How long did you lead the FCI?
I was elected to the FCI's General Committee in 1983, becoming FCI president in
1986. All in all, I held these positions for a total of 30 respectively 28 years.
How did you come into Cynology? When was it?
Through my first pedigree dog in 1958. It was a Hovawart bitch, which I worked with
myself and then bred.
© E. Reinsch

When did you start judging?
I have been a show judge since 1963. I started out judging Hovawarts.
What is(are) the biggest achievement(s) of your career?
I worked with my dogs for many years and also exhibited dogs. Dogs owned or bred
by me were also successful at World Shows (Rhodesian Ridgebacks).
Shall we still see you judging or are you retiring completely from the cynological
show scene?
I'm quite certain that I'll not be disappearing from the cynological scene. As regards
judging, I'll probably be taking things somewhat easier, avoiding having to travel
too far. I've got nothing special planned.
Is there any project that you started and that your successor needs to complete?
We've been working for the last 30 years on improving the image of cynology, and
in my mind we have achieved a lot. My successor has undoubtedly got his own ideas
and I have no intention of intervening too much. Don't forget, he’s been a member
of the General Committee for a long time. And I haven't left him any open issues
in the true sense.
Is there anything you would like to see happening in the near or far future? Something
that was still on your list but that you could not start during your career as FCI
There is a lot happening at the moment, and the FCI is called upon to remain active
and keep its eyes open. Politicians and authorities are increasingly attempting
to make their influence shown, something I'm rather worried about. I therefore consider
it important to maintain our position and our influence in the field of cynology
and to fight for correct and transparent breeding standards respecting the temperament
and health of the dogs. I hope I haven't left behind anything else of importance
still open for my successor.
Are you very confident about a bright future for the FCI?
I am basically optimistic. In my mind, the FCI will continue to exert its influence
as the world's No. 1 international cynology organisation. What I do consider important
in this respect is that the FCI maintains its internal harmony, without placing
obstacles in each other's way. I continue to uphold the view that our member associations
need to be strong national organisations able to pursue their own goals, though
without breaching FCI principles. I see the FCI regulations as increasingly becoming
framework regulations, according national organisations sufficient leeway to do
things the way they want.
Mr Müller, on behalf of the readers and of all dog lovers, thank you for all your
efforts for the sake of the FCI and for Cynology in general!
Interview by Karl Donvil.