The 2013 FCI World Dog Show saw purebred dog enthusiasts from 5 continents, with
some 18,000 dogs representing 371 breeds, descend upon the sprawling Hungexpo Fair
Center in Budapest. Clear blue skies and Eukanuba's trademark shade of pink provided
a colourful backdrop for an exciting 4 days of competition and camaraderie among
dog fanciers from around the world.
The World Dog Show on your home screen
If you couldn't make it, the show's proceedings were able to be enjoyed from the
comfort of home! Live-streaming of the main ring including groups, junior handling
and the World Challenge European finalist event were available for free on the Eukanuba
website. Combined with Mike Bloxsome's ringside interviews, it was the next best
thing to actually being in Budapest! There is even the chance to catch up on the
company's official Youtube channel because the group judging and the interviews
from Budapest will be available on
Adjacent to the bustling main ring was the 300 sq. metre Eukanuba trade stand, which
became a popular meeting point throughout the week. Its prime location not only
offered front row viewing for all the group ring action but the chance for weary
travelers to replenish their energy in a fun and entertaining space surrounded by
friends and familiar faces.
One friendly face that particularly stood out for Best in Show judge Dr Tamas Jakkel
was that of Ch Bottom Shaker's My Secret, the gregarious Old English Sheepdog from
Hungary who was declared top dog in Sunday night's finale! Runner-up was the graceful
Finnish Lhasa Apso CH Chic Choix Cleopatra Eurydice, whose sleek golden tresses
sharply contrasted the Bobtail's bohemian style. Much to the joy of the brand both
Jimmy and Elviira are fed on Eukanuba!

Best In Show
Getting ready for Orlando
The race for the 2013 Eukanuba World Challenge can officially be declared underway
since Budapest as the four groups along with their country and non-geographic designations
were defined on the third day of the World Dog Show in Budapest. Joining together
to help in the selection process were four of the dog world's most prominent international
figures. New FCI President Mr Rafael de Santiago and the American Kennel Club's
Mr Ron Menaker, along with Hungarian KC President Mr Andras Korosz and Show Chairman
of the Eukanuba World Challenge Jose-Luis Ibáñez were given the task of the official
drawing. The results were as follows:
- Group 1- Russia, China, Netherlands, Finland, Australia, Czech Republic,
Poland, Italy, North America, Philippines, France, and Thailand
- Group 2- Winner FCI Asia/Pacific, Japan, European Qualifier 2, Denmark, Portugal,
USA AENC BIS, UK BIS Winning Team, Switzerland, Belgium, WDS BIS, and Puerto Rico
- Group 3- Sweden, Taiwan, Mexico, Hungary, WKC BIS, Norway, Brazil, UK, Spain,
Winner FCI Europe, and Austria
- Group 4- Germany, Winner FCI Americas/Caribbean, South Africa, European Qualifier
1, New Zealand, S Korea, Canada, Malaysia, Argentina, Indonesia, and Ireland

On the third day in Budapest, a special event was held to select the 2 European
Qualifiers who would go forward to compete at the EWC Final. Respected international
judge Mr Laurent Pichard of Switzerland had the enjoyable job of evaluating 17 of
Europe's best show dogs, and after careful consideration found his winners to be
the Bracco Italiano from Malta CH Ciclone, and the black and white Phalene from
Latvia named CH Magic Sunrise Great Gentleman. Again, both dogs are fed on Eukanuba!
The wins entitled both dogs and their respective owners to an expenses-paid trip
to Orlando, Florida in December!
Bringing dogs and their people together
To successfully orchestrate an event of this proportion requires countless months
of hard work and planning. Mr Andras Korozs, president of the Hungarian Kennel Club,
had the challenging role of main organiser and by all accounts he and his team accomplished
their goal in great style!
The WDS in Budapest managed effectively to balance the glamour of an international
competition with the accessibility required to make the experience pleasant for
dogs, exhibitors and spectators alike. Those who attended will surely be left with
wonderful memories of a well-organised and thoughtfully conducted show.

EWC European Qualifying winners
Bringing dogs and their people together is what the world of dog show is all about,
and the evolving collaboration between Eukanuba and the FCI continues to make that
world a more enjoyable place to be!
Media contact:
Johanna Rhomberg
Communications P&G Petcare
+41 79 734 01 70